A Few Simple Words Can Make All the Difference

Good Communication is Vital in Any Massage Setting

I would like to demonstrate the importance of good communication for all massages. Massage is an amazing tool. But it can also be misunderstood. Over the course of my studies, I’ve found obstacles in communication. I believe that one of the most common ones is through vocal speech. This can come up with a language barrier such as when your therapist or the client only speaks a different language. I’ve had to do a quick intake because the client didn’t understand any English and didn’t understand fully what was involved in massage. They couldn’t communicate their focuses, boundaries, or anything else. So I attempted to show them with my hands what they would do and where they would go. I always like to lift the sheet after I say, “disrobe to your comfort level,” and slide my hand under the sheet. This way, they know exactly where to go. They don’t always get that, but I know I’ve done my job. And to motion that they will be face down I pat the table and say, “face down.” I one time had a deaf client and this was a bit of a challenge because I didn’t know sign language. But I found a way to let him signal if pressure was too much or not enough. We communicated by writing words out on our phones. Another client only spoke Spanish so I looked up a bunch of common phrases relative to massage. When I said, “all ready?” in Spanish she was very impressed that I went to those lengths to make sure we could effectively communicate. Going the extra mile will really impress your clients. Communication is how we tell a client what to do, how much to wear, what the reasoning is behind disrobing, being professional, as well as setting boundaries. It is also how our clients can communicate with us and let us know something hurts instead of bearing it to be polite.

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