
Fear is a Mere Distraction From All the Good We Are Capable of Having in Our Lives

Don’t fear change. Embrace it!

Letting Go and Learning to Relax

Life is hard.  Relaxing is vital.  We take that for granted every day because we are always in a rush to get to the next thing.  We drive fast to get to our next destination.  We work fast to get through the day.  We don’t really let go.  That has the potential to build tension because that’s what tension results from.  Stress, constant compression, and not enough relaxation.  So how do I let go?  What is tension?  Tension is this ball of muscle tissue that is built up from the center when the muscle contracts.  It meets in the center.  When that happens, it doesn’t always go back to its original state of elasticity which is the tissue’s ability to go back to its original form.  This causes a state of discomfort and less range of motion.  You ever think, “I feel so tight,” or, “My arm used to be able to go further than this,”?  That’s because your tissue isn’t letting go and massage releases all that.  It will also inform your brain how tight your body is because the body has a tendency to suppress all that tension and discomfort.  It doesn’t always cause pain, but in some cases the nerves can get crushed which will cause pain and sometimes tingling or numbness down the legs or arms.  Massage will always be necessary because stressful situations and tension will always be there.  It’s important to get a massage at least once every few weeks.  Yoga or meditation can also help relax the muscles, however, they are no substitute for what a massage can do.

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